Crypto Stamp–collecting 2.0


NFTs, blockchain and stamps? How are these words related to each other? In 2019 the Austrian Post issued the first crypto stamp. In this short podcast we want to learn why and how they did it and what this could mean for the Cultural Heritage Sector.

Crypto Stamp–collecting 2.0

Cultural Heritage Podcast
Cultural Heritage Podcast
Crypto Stamp–collecting 2.0

Key Take-aways

  • To learn why the post invests resources in blockchain
  • To find out what one should know about this area
  • To learn if this could be a way forward to diversify an audience
  • To get insights how to navigate the crypto area and where to learn more about it


Nicolas Collet, Blockchain Product Manager, Austrian Post

More Details

Reading/listening Time: 11:19 minutes

Language: English

Year of publication: 2023

Further Information