Meet the Partner University of Copenhagen

With over 40,000 students (including 4,000 international students) enrolled, just over 2,500 PhD students and more than 9,000 employees, the University of Copenhagen (UCPH) is one of the largest institutions of research and education in the Nordic countries.

The 2018 Shanghai Academic Ranking of World Universities ranked UCPH 6th in Europe and 29th in the world. UCPH participates in more than 370 Horizon2020 projects, including 68 ERC grants. The Department of Research and Innovation aim to initiate a greater number of collaborative relationships with private and public entities.

The Tech Transfer Office at UCPH is responsible for ensuring that society benefits as best as possible from inventions made at UCPH and the hospitals in the Capital Region of Denmark. Human & Legal Innovation Hub is one of three innovation hubs at the University of Copenhagen, located at the South Campus for students, scholars and teachers from the Faculty of Humanities, Law and Theology.

The Hub helps students with creating new projects and companies, teachers with developing courses and finding external partners and companies and organisations with discovering new possibilities within the disciplines of Humanities, Law and Theology. It is always with the purpose of solving current and future challenges based on the understanding of humans and society.



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